death from above
This entry has been partially migrated over from my old blog. It was reposted here on 23 February 2023.This monster came about after my partner told me that male koalas secrete an oily substance from a gland on their chests. Inspiration is everywhere if you know where to find it.

the sticky details
These are rotund dog-sized creatures, with curiously-shaped snouts and long claws as suited to tearing flesh as to climbing. Indeed, as these creatures are known for their ability to climb nearly anything (and survive falls from staggering heights) they are sometimes called tree-toppers, tree-droppers, tree-gloppers, or cloud devils. More commonly they are called glop bears or goo dogs, while those unfortunate enough to deal with them directly can often only refer to them with slime-muffled shrieks. This is because the glop bear produces large amounts of a sticky sweet-smelling goo from a gland on its chest which it uses to immobilize and incapacitate its prey, usually after pouncing from high above.
HD 1 to 2 MV Crawl 10', Climb 40' AC Leather MR 7Attacks Glop, Drop, Claw 1d6
Wits Ravenous, opportunistic, gullible
Wants Guts, sticky things
Glop – Instead of attacking with its claw, a glop bear can produce a glob of sticky goop and smear it on a creature (Save negates). Glop bears typically do this in order to paste a creature's limbs to the ground, immobilizing them, or to blind/suffocate a creature. Each instance of the slime requires two free hands and 1d6 rounds to remove.
Drop – Glop bears can fall 30' before taking falling damage, but deal falling damage for the full distance fallen to any creature they land upon. Dropping on a target counts as an attack, which the glop bear makes at a bonus/advantage. Glop bears can combine their drop with either a glop attack or a regular claw attack.